SDR-Specific Reference Data
To specify the reference data for the SDR module, expand the Single Data Return option from the Tree View of the Types pane.
The following SDR-specific reference data is available:

These codes identify the completion status of a course. The completion indicator can be entered against enrolment progress codes.

These codes identifies the cooperative arrangement among groups or institutions. This could be a group of tertiary education organisations (TEOs) and can include other organisations such as community groups or councils.

These codes group courses into subject classifications.

Code to indicate the disability status of a learner.

These alpha codes combine with the funding degree/research status numeric codes to identify the student achievement component funding categories.

These numeric codes combine with the funding category alpha codes to identify the student achievement component funding categories.

These codes indicate the highest secondary school qualification attained by the learner.

These two-character codes identify the category of fees assessment for international learners.

These codes indicate whether teaching and learning in each course is currently available in part, or as a whole, on the Internet.

These codes specify whether a learner is enrolled in a course that requires learners to attend scheduled teaching sessions.

Provides the values to identify the sector for a learner enrolled in Initial Teacher Education:

The specific curriculum subject areas that a learner is studying where they are enrolled in an Initial Teacher Education qualification where the ITE sector is Secondary.

These codes indicate the iwi affiliation of a learner, with a maximum of three iwi affiliations allowed to be recorded against a learner.

These codes describe the level of credits on the NZ Qualifications Framework (NZQF) contained in a course or paper contributing to qualifications registered on the NZQF.

These codes describe the main activity or occupation for the learner on 1 October of the year prior to enrolling as a Type D learner at your institute.

These codes identify the main subjects studied for a generic qualification and can be entered against a unit instance.

These codes classify the field of study of courses and qualifications.

These codes indicate courses that are eligible for Performance Based Research Fund (PBRF).

These codes identify if the learner has New Zealand permanent resident status for each enrolment.

These codes identify the source of the funding that supports the learner's enrolment in the course.
You can specify that a source of funding code is applicable to StudyLink by selecting the Include in StudyLink check box. Fees that are linked to enrolments with funding sources that are flagged as Include in StudyLink will be reported in the StudyLink VoS Response.

These codes indicate the stage of the qualification to which the course contributes (used for pre-service teacher education qualifications).